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Malice Trilogy, a Phil Cook Eagle Films Production on Amazon Prime video.

For the Roman site's general picture index, please click here!

SCA Pennsic Pictures
SCA Kingdom Crusades
Markland Fall War
Markland FMW
Dagorhir Althyng

"Ambition, extravagance and brutality 
  need a stage to act upon."
     -Lucius Annaeus Seneca

PENNSIC XXIX PICTURES!   (Russell Crowe, eat your heart out!) 


troops.JPG (25932 bytes)
Rome forming up before the
bridge battles
dominus.JPG (39258 bytes)
Pre-engagement morale is high.
formaline.JPG (28761 bytes)
Rome's eager Legions...
woohoo.JPG (36661 bytes)
...demonstrate their appetite for WAR!
elitereserve.JPG (36121 bytes)
Rome and the Tuchux, elite reserves for the Mid Realm
bridge1.JPG (57584 bytes)
On the bridge: party time!
bridge2.JPG (57499 bytes)
Rome charges into hell
bridge3.JPG (56213 bytes)
and glory
leftflank.JPG (24391 bytes)
Last minute instructions
march.JPG (36978 bytes)
Moving to the roaring cheer of Pennsic's thousands!
field1.JPG (34966 bytes)
Rome in the field, buying time for the Tuchux right flank
field2.JPG (35564 bytes)
march2.JPG (32640 bytes)
Rome and our Tuchux allies 
march3.JPG (38429 bytes)

setting  up the perfect screw.
charge.JPG (60682 bytes)
The massed iron ranks of Rome's Legions, decisively charging the enemy's right.
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Pendin, Count Gurrundi, Arthol, & Carthos march back to the line in the Æthlemark 3-way battle.
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Tribune Gaius Metellus (left) and Carthos (right) in the line, breaking the East's wall.
drosylus.JPG (31596 bytes)
Drosylus Furtumius Trel of Legion XIII, sharing the love! 
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Count Tobias Deloricus Desponius of Legion II
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Dominus in the fray
brutilus.JPG (24030 bytes)
The mighty Basilus Rutilus of Legion IX slaying a foe.
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Pendin Tempest Siamicus of Legion XIII, the calm before the storm. 
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Allaricus Xirinius Dominus, Imperator of Rome: 
Never a prouder moment.
gurrundi.JPG (23461 bytes)
Count Gurrundi Delambar Valerius of Legion VIII: can't kill just one!

Time here for a word of thanks to Pennsic XXIX allies, the Tuchux. Thanks for sharing the fun and the glory.

And to the SCA: Thanks! Hope you always have at least half as much fun with Rome as Rome is having with you. 


KINGDOM CRUSADES: Atlantia vs. The East    Special thanks to Beldinius and Mary for these pictures.

rome_forms_up.jpg (53033 bytes)
Forming up in the parking lot, let the games begin!
roman_might.jpg (74500 bytes)
Rome's opening hand, left to right:
Brutilus, Callus, Gaius, Dominus, Arthol, Pendin, Gurrundi, Tobias, Drosylus, and Marcus.
atlantia.jpg (50822 bytes)
Rome and our Tuchux allies form on the Atlantian army's left flank.
crusades1.jpg (61006 bytes)
The first charge, counter the flank attack...
KCcharge.jpg (46283 bytes)
Rome and the Tuchux, about to devour our adversaries.
the_fight_commences.jpg (48538 bytes)
Stemming the tide.
crusades0.jpg (70707 bytes)
Glorious battle, look at the scope! 300+ combatants! Darkon who? That's Rome coming through the center
arthol_rests.jpg (58639 bytes)
Bantering between engagements...
pendin_smiles.jpg (57889 bytes)
...or just catching your breath.
bring_it_on.jpg (39719 bytes)
Starting the Queen's Resurrection Battle
driving.jpg (66866 bytes)
Driving back a worthy foe
help.jpg (34310 bytes)
and keeping them back.
romans_making_friends.jpg (40249 bytes) dominus_attacks.jpg (29948 bytes) the_mighty_harn.jpg (32738 bytes) Enemy_charge.jpg (29300 bytes)
repulsing_the_enemy.jpg (33971 bytes) callus_moves_in.jpg (33549 bytes) roman_meal.jpg (37061 bytes)  


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Rome's first steps in stick fighting:
Fmw01.jpg (47023 bytes)
Characters include: Gurrundi,, Dominus, Arthol, Marcus, Pontius, B. Rutilus, , Tempest,  Below: Brutus and Tobias
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Disposition I
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Disposition II
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Disposition III

9-30-013a.JPG (44936 bytes)
The Charge