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For the Roman site's general picture index, please click here!

"I would rather men ask me why I have no statue
 than ask why I have one."
       -Marcus Porcius Cato the Censor

Left: Washington Post Weekend Section October 19, 2001 - Rome in the News!

RAGNAROK XVI PICTURES!   The end of the world...again!

We are just starting to put great Roman Ragnarok pics on this site.  If you have some good ones, please send them to Thanks to Tolgor of the Gesteguiste, Briar Rose of the Guard, Hårdgrim, and to the Goats for the pictures we have below.

WE CAME.                  hobbitline.JPG (75612 bytes)

march_rxvi1.JPG (13934 bytes)

marching.jpg (25681 bytes) Count Tobias (27269 bytes) Dominus & Gaius (47448 bytes) Carthos & Drosylus (44832 bytes)


rag16_1.jpg (37704 bytes)

wecame.JPG (33164 bytes) Building an Aratari Victory (52614 bytes) Announcing Conflict (46525 bytes) Lucius Sergius Vir (19960 bytes)
rome_1_xvi.JPG (45860 bytes) romanline3.JPG (19981 bytes) rome_2_xvi.JPG (61697 bytes) command.JPG (38433 bytes) preseige.JPG (40702 bytes)
WE CONQUERED. crew.JPG (42193 bytes) romanline.JPG (55876 bytes) pontius_rxvi.JPG (35090 bytes)
attack1.jpg (32243 bytes) romanline2.JPG (27246 bytes) Roman Feeding Frenzy (41630 bytes) mopup.JPG (31799 bytes) weconquered.JPG (33927 bytes)
rag16_5.jpg (45801 bytes) attack2.jpg (37860 bytes) rag16_2.jpg (48342 bytes) rag16_3.jpg (55560 bytes) rag16_4.jpg (48092 bytes)
But seriously, Dagorhir: 
Thanks for the FANTASTIC time at Ragnarok XVI!  Rome salutes you!

salute.jpg (58874 bytes)
arthol.JPG (23211 bytes)  whipping.JPG (23412 bytes)


 marc_dom.JPG (27323 bytes)


camp.JPG (56347 bytes)


RagnarokXVI: Armageddon! (64319 bytes)