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The Roman Senate is composed of those Romans who have distinguished themselves politically, and have served as elected officials. The Senate controls the Treasury, votes on new legislation, and establishes policy. The Senate's duty is to ensure that Rome thrives in all her non-military aspects.

The Roman Empire has already been misconstrued as a democracy. Rome is NOT a democracy. Only the Senators vote. A non-Senator gets no vote on the Senate beyond the Tribune's powers or that which his/her patron may lobby for on their behalf. If a label must be applied to Rome, we are a Republican Oligarchic Fascist Dictatorship. After all, we are the Roman Empire. This system has worked exceedingly well for years.  The system allows for new members to prove themselves and move up. 


The Consuls will call for meetings of the Senate. A Senatorial Quorum shall be defined as such: one Consul, the Praetor, the Imperator, and two Senators (other than the Magistrates already listed) must be present. The Tribune of the Plebs need not be present. However, all proposed legislation must still be ratified by the Tribune of the Plebs. All proposed legislation must be put in writing prior to a division. At the discretion of the Consuls, there will be meetings where all Romans may attend. However, when the "Senate is in Session", be it in a back room, a tent or around a side campfire, citizens are expected NOT to interrupt their discussions and must try to ensure that the Senate is not bothered by outsiders or trivial questions. Your cooperation in this matter will be greatly appreciated.


Consuls' eye view of the Senate's Curia Julia interior.


The Senate is presided over by the Consuls. At the beginning of the meeting, auspices should be held by the Pontifex Maximus or the ranking Augur (see Roman Religious Colleges) to determine the approval of the gods. The Consuls may then call the meeting to order. The Consuls shall introduce each topic.  Only the Tribune of the Plebs may interrupt the Consuls (with a Veto). The proper order for the Consuls to call on other speakers is as follows: the Imperator, the Praetor, the Aedile, the Quaestor, followed by Consulars then other members of the Senate in order of their abundance of military awards.  This is the appropriate progression. Non-Senators may be called upon to speak in open sessions, but have no actual right to speak. Of course, the Consuls may opt not to allow anyone to speak on a given topic: they operate the Senate and that is their right. A Consul, for instance, may propose a law and call for an immediate division of the Senate. ONLY Senators may vote on an issue, even in an open session. NO foreign kings may attend a Senate meeting (even as an ambassadorial representative), according to ancient tradition.  Only a king's ambassador may appear before the Senate. Kings were only allowed inside Rome when chained to the back of a triumphing general's chariot.


SENATORIAL CENSVS as of 02/03/2006





Consul Gurrundi Valerius Pontifex Maximus Patrician Valerius
Consul Sextus Hostilius Equestrian Hostilius
Praetor Lucius Veridius Lupus Equestrian Veridius
Aedile Suetonius Rokan Equestrian Suetonius
Quaestor Basilus Rutilus Equestrian Rutilus
Tribune of the Plebs Arria Draconia Plebeian  
Senator Suetonius Spartacus Equestrian Suetonius
Senator Allaricus Xirinius Dominus Patrician Xirinius
Senator Damon Arthol Douglas Patrician Arthol
Senator Drosylus Valerius Patrician Valerius
Senator Maximus Equestrian Maximus
Senator Pendin Tempest Siamicus Patrician Tempest
Senator Suetonius Alistair Saturnalicus Equestrian Suetonius
Senator Tobias Deloricus Desponius Patrician Deloricus
Senator Veatrus Suetonius Saturnalicus Equestrian Suetonius

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